

Kebelakangan ni ramai yang dm saya bertanyakan tentang proses permohonan PR Kanada. Sebelum ni saya pernah kongsikan tentang perkara ni di video YouTube. Boleh tengok post ni.

Bagi yang berminat untuk memohon, dibawah saya terangkan info dan proses memohon.

Terdapat 3 program dibawah Express Entry;

1. Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSW) – Untuk pekerja yang mempunyai pengalaman bekerja di luar Kanada

2. Canadian Experience Class (CEC) – Untuk pekerja yang mempunyai pengalaman bekerja di Kanada

3. Federal Skilled Trades Program (FST) – Untuk pekerja yang bekelayakan dalam trade

*Saya hanya kongsikan tentang FSW sebab saya mohon program ni. Apa yang saya kongsikan adalah berdasarkan pengalaman saya. Mungkin orang lain ada cara lain.

Step 1. Adakah anda layak untuk memohon (eligibility)

Tengok samada pemohon memenuhi minimum requirement. Antara kriteria adalah:

1. Kemahiran Bahasa. Perlu ada CLB 7 (speaking 4, listening 4, reading 4, writing 4)

2. Jenis pengalaman kerja. Jenis pekerjaan mesti ada dalam list National Occupational Code (NOC).

3. Jumlah pengalaman bekerja. At least 1 tahun.

4. Pendidikan. Secondary education.

5. Bukti kewangan. Jumlah berdasarkan jumlah ahli keluarga yang hendak dibawa ke Kanada. Jumlah tersebut perlu ada di bank sekurang-kurangnya 6 bulan sebelum permohonan dibuat.

Boleh tengok disini untuk details eligibility

Step 2. Kira skor yang boleh diperolehi/targeted score

Ini adalah step yang paling penting kerana ia akan menentukan kebarangkalian untuk tersenarai dalam cabutan PR. Sebelum COVID melanda, cabutan dilakukan setiap 2 minggu sekali dan seramai lebih kurang 3000 permohonan akan dipilih setiap kali cabutan. 3000 ni termasuk ketiga-tiga program. Kadang kala hanya CEC, kadang-kadang CEC & FSW etc. Jumlah pun tak menentu. Tiada rules yang terang tentang ni. Boleh tengok history cabutan disini

Untuk pastikan pemohon mendapat kebarangkalian tinggi terpilih dalam cabutan, pemohon perlu pastikan mendapat skor yang tinggi. Jadi, pemohon perlu tau apakah skor cabutan paling latest dan cuba untuk dapatkan skor tersebut. Contohnya, pada cabutan terakhir Disember 2020, skor minimum ialah 468. Seramai 5000 pemohon yang ada skor 468 keatas terpilih dalam cabutan tersebut.

Perlu tau bahawa selepas Disember 2020, tiada cabutan melibatkan FSW dibuat. Jadi sekarang dalam ‘pool’ cabutan sudah tentu ada ramai pemohon. Bila ramai pemohon yang menunggu, mungkin ramai juga yang mempunyai skor tinggi contohnya 480. Jadi kebarangkalian terpilih bagi pemohon yang mempunyai skor 470 menjadi berkurang.

Dibawah ialaha alat/kalkulator yang boleh digunakan untuk estimate skor

Kriteria-kriteria yang memberi skor:

1. Kebolehan Bahasa Inggeris

Points diberikan berdasarkan keputusan ujian IELTS/TOEFL. Ini adalah satu-satunya kriteria yang pemohon boleh berusaha untuk dapatkan keputusan yang tertinggi untuk dapatkan skor tinggi. Setiap skill ada points maksimum tersendiri.

Jadi, bila pemohon dah ada targeted total score, cuba sedaya upaya untuk dapatkan band tertinggi untuk setiap skill. Dalam kes saya, saya perlu dapatkan reading 8, listening 8, speaking 7, writing 7. Just to share, skill paling susah ialah writing dan ini bukan terjadi pada saya sahaja, tapi kebanyakan pemohon lain. Saya berjaya capai 3 skill lain dengan senang tapi writing stuck 6.5. Percubaan ke 4 baru saya Berjaya dapatkan 7 (total results 9,8.5,7.5,7). Sekiranya ada yang lalui perkara sama, saya sarankan untuk ambil pakej writing IELTS Advantage by Cris Pell. Sangat-sangat membantu. Selain itu, saya juga mencuba untuk ambil test di pusat berlainan antara British Council dan IDP. Dan cuba juga antara computer based or paper based. Ini semua usaha saya untuk dapatkan writing 7!

Kebolehan Bahasa French

2. Tahap Pendidikan. Lagi tinggi tahap pendidikan, lagi tinggi points.

3. Pengalaman bekerja. Jumlah tahun bekerja. Lagi lama lagi tinggi points.

4. Umur. Semakin berumur, semakin kurang points.

5. Job offer dari Kanada (sekiranya ada). Jenis pekerjaan mesti Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

6. Adaptability – kemahiran Bahasa pasangan, pernah belajar di Kanada, pengalaman kerja di Kanada, abang atau kakak menetap di Kanada

Boleh tengok berapa maksimum skor untuk setiap kriteria disini

So, masukkan kesemua maklumat di dalam kalkulator untuk lihat berapa skor yang boleh dapat.

Step 3: Siapkan dokumen

Senarai dokumen

Dokumen yang perlu ada pada tahap ni hanya kemahiran bahasa sebab kadang-kadang ambil masa lama untuk dapat targeted results (dalam kes saya 4 bulan untuk dapatkan 8877).

Result IELTS/TOEFL valid selama 2 tahun. Jadi dalam masa 2 tahun pemohon perlu sedaya upaya dapatkan tempat untuk terpilih dalam cabutan Express Entry.

Dokumen lain sediakan bila dah terpilih dalam cabutan sebab kita tak tau bila terpilih dan supaya dokumen tak expired.

Step 4. Isikan maklumat didalam system Express Entry

Pemohon perlu isi borang online maklumat tentang semua kriteria dalam step ke 2.

Selepas tu, tunggu untuk terpilih dalam cabutan. Pendaftaran valid selama 1 tahun. Bermaksud, sekiranya dalam masa 1 tahun nama pemohon tak terpilih dalam cabutan, pemohon perlu isi borang online sekali lagi.

**Setiap tahun berganjak kedepan, skor pemohon akan berkurangan disebabkan umur bertambah. Jadi, cuba untuk terpilih dalam draw dalam masa 1 tahun. Kalau tak, probability terpilih akan semakin berkurangan.

Step 5: Terpilih dalam cabutan / dapat invitation to apply

Bila dapat invitation to apply, pemohon diberi masa untuk upload dokumen tersenarai dalam step 3 dalam sistem online. Pemohon juga perlu bayar application fee $CAD1300/person.

Pemohon perlu bergerak pantas untuk siapkan dokumen-dokumen ni:

1. Sijil kelakuan baik (cerificate of good conduct) kena dapatkan dari Wisma Putra (apply online). Ambil masa lebih kurang 3 minggu. Kos: RM20

2. Medical exam. Immigration Canada (IRCC) akan beritahu pusat kesihatan yang diiktiraf untuk buat medical exam. Saya buat di Wisma Lifecare, Bangsar. Kos = RM300++

3. Surat beranak. Translate oleh certified translator. Ada company yang buat servis ni (RM150++) atau cari translator di mahkamah (lebih murah dari company). Saya jumpa translator di makhkamah Shah Alam.

4. Sijil perkahwinan. Translate.

5. Degree & transkrip Pendidikan. Bergantung kepada taraf pendidikan dan kemahiran, sijil dan transkrip perlu dinilai oleh badan tertentu untuk memastikan ia setaraf dengan pendidikan Kanada. Pemohon perlu membuat permohonan pada pihak university. Untuk saya, saya perlu hantar ke World Education Services (WES). Pihak university akan directly hantar salinan sijil dan transkrip ke WES. Pemohon tak boleh hantar sendiri. Biasanya pihak university tau pasal ni. Untuk saya, saya pergi Academic Management Division UTM. Staff kat situ dah tau nak buat apa.

Untuk sijil kemahiran seperti medical doctor/lawyer ada agensi lain yang buat penilaian

Kos: $CAD100++

6. Bukti kewangan. Bank statement 6 bulan untuk main applicant. Pasangan tak perlu sediakan dokumen ni.

7. Bukti pengalaman bekerja. Apply surat dari majikan menunjukkan pemohon telah bekerja secara berterusan di company tu. Maklumat penting yang perlu ada:

- Tempoh bekerja. Tarikh mula – tarikh berhenti. Kira bilangan hari, perlu sama dengan jumlah tahun pengalaman kerja yang pemohon tulis dalm permohonan.

- Job description. Make sure description sama dengan NOC yang pemohon letak dalam permohonan.

- Nama majikan, alamat, email, no phone, website.

Semua maklumat perlu jelas dan tepat kerana pihak IRCC akan investigate samada maklumat yang pemohon beri valid atau tak, tiada keraguan. Banyak permohonan stuck kat sini sebab IRCC tak boleh validate company.

8. Client information. Dokumen ni tak ditulis dalam required documents oleh IRCC. Tetapi disarankan untuk pemohon buat dokumen ni untuk memberi keterangan yang lebih jelas tentang maklumat diri. Ia sangat penting untuk mengurangkan keraguan pihak IRCC terhadap pemohon. Apa sahaja yang pemohon rasa akan menimbulkan keraguan IRCC, tulis kat situ. Antara maklumat yang saya masukkan:

- Hubungan jangka masa panjang dengan suami. Sebabnya, ada kes dimana pemohon berkahwin dengan pasangan hanya untuk dapatkan skor express entry yang lebih tinggi. Jadi pemohon perlu buktikan bahawa hubungan dengan pasangan adalah legitimate. Saya attach gambar saya dan suami sejak dari tahun pertama kenal.

- Travel history. Saya selalu ulang alik Singapore – JB. Jadi saya taknak IRCC ragu kenapa saya selalu keluar masuk Singapore. Jadi saya terangkan disini.

Tiada format untuk dokumen ni, Terpulang kepada pemohon macam mana nak pastikan IRCC tak ragu tentang permohonan yang dibuat. Kalau taknak buat pun takpe.

Selepas dah isi boring-borang dan upload dokumen, submit, tunggu IRCC keluarkan Confirmation of Permanent resident (COPR).

Step 6: Pergi ke VFS Global, Menara MCA

Untuk cap jari, ambil gambar, dan beri passport untuk visa. Passport akan dihantar ke kedutaan Kanada di Singapore. Kos: Tak ingat


Step 7: Dapat passport beserta visa.

Plan perjalanan ke Kanada. Bersedia untuk meninggalkan tanah air.


Step 8: Welcome to Kanada

Proses ‘landing’ akan dibuat di pejabat immigration airport. Pemohon akan terima PR card melalui pos.


Selepas 26 jam flight. Finally.

Spring please arrive soon

Hi everyone. How's doing? I hope everything is okay especially your health. With CoVID-19 still lingering around, I think many of us want nothing more than stay away from this deadly virus. For me COVID-19 came like a nightmare that stays. Even though the vaccine has arrived, our life hasn't come back to what we used to have prior to 2020. Talking about vaccination, have you gotten yours? I think many countries are still at the early stage of the process, giving vaccines to the front liners and elders. Here in Canada, for our age group the soonest we will get is June this year. I'm really looking forward to it because I want to travel home. I want to see my mom. Lately, she's unwell and weak. Talking through phones never can replace physical presence. Many nights before sleep I'm thinking of her.  Having an old parent is tough especially when I'm far from her now. Too many thoughts came to my mind. I only can pray that she'll stay healthy and happy. 

**change topic

Let's talk a bit about weather. Calgary is synonymous with cold weather. So, we are really waiting for the season to change warm. It should be spring now but it snowed yesterday. As I look into last year's photos, spring only came in May. But for the past 2 weeks, some days were warm, some were cold. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying the changes of the weather here. I won't be here for long, so I am enjoying every moment I'm here in this city. I managed to compile few videos when I was outside in different weather and upload them on Youtube. This is the link

Let's watch...

Until next time, stay safe everyone....

New Youtube Video

It's been 13 years since I learn Farsi for the first time. I still remember vividly my boyfriend that time told me that I have to learn Farsi so I can converse with his mom. Understanding Farsi makes me easier to learn Persian culture and most importantly makes the gap between me and my husband smaller. There are people who told me that it's not fair for me because my husband didn't do the same (learning Malay). But it's not an issue for me. If he learns of course I'll be happy, but if not it doesn't matter. point of writing here today is to share my new video speaking Farsi. After some years I decided to upload a new video. This time I made a video of making pickled vegetables - Persian style. I have a passion for I love to share recipes of the foods I made. In my Instagram (aroose_malayi), I share the foods that I cooked and lately I share recipes because some followers asked me to do so. Then I said why don't I record and share it on my Youtube channel. So here you go, my first cooking video. Enjoy!

Ta daafeye baad...khoda hafez...

Life Update. Canadian PR

 Hello. Salam.

I’ve been wanting to write in this blog for a while. Previously, writing is one of my hobbies, which was good. But with the emergence of Instagram, I rarely write but I like to take photos and upload it on my Instagram mainly on the foods I cooked or places I went.

Anyway, today is a special day and I decided to write this post to share with you guys the journey I went through to get my Canadian permanent resident. Today is the final day where the journey has ended, no more waiting and worrying. I just received my PR card in the mailbox. If you follow me on Instagram, you will know that I am currently living in Canada, but I didn’t come to Canada as a PR. I came here with a working permit and just recently my PR application was approved. Applying PR was not an easy journey (for myself). It involved a lot of processes, paper works, emotions, and of course money. I referred to many websites, blogs, forums to go through it. So, now that my journey has ended, I thought sharing it here would give some insights or assistance for anyone who is looking for some information related to it.

The letters I've been waiting for

Note that my decision to apply for Canadian PR is purely because I want to have a better life, not running away from my country. I love Malaysia so deeply and I will never replace it with another country.

Firstly, why Canada? At first, I had 2 choices either Canada or Australia as these 2 countries are providing PR schemes for foreigners not living inside the country to apply. My first choice was definitely Australia as it is near to Malaysia, but unfortunately, I couldn’t achieve the minimum score to enter the pool. Both countries are using a scoring system to select eligible candidates to apply. Therefore, candidates have to meet specific requirements to get certain scores which include age, education, English proficiency, and especially working experience (because I applied for Federal Skilled Worker scheme). I won’t be detailing the scoring as you could find it in their immigration websites.

So, my journey started in December 2018. The first step was to meet the English language requirement, which I chose IELTS exam. I tell you, this is the worst phase for me. You know I am not an English speaker, among the four skills in IELTS exam, to get the minimum band 7 for writing was not easy. I sat for 5 exams, I received the required bands for all the 3 skills in all the 5 exams, but for writing, I only passed on the last attempt. So, finally, in April 2019 I passed the 1st requirement of IELTS, L8.5, R8.5, W7, S7. I remember the day I received the results, I was so happy and I shared it with my students in the lecture 😊. Maybe they’re clueless but that day I didn’t feel tired for the whole 2-hour class. If you’re looking for a reliable resource to improve your IELTS score, I highly recommend IELTSadvantage . I got the required band 7 only by using their free resources. You can go to their facebook page to read many success stories. *Note that English requirements for each individuals vary depending on the PR score you want to achieve.

After I received the IELTS score, the next thing was applying through the Canadian Immigration and Citizenship (CIC) portal. Because of some circumstances, I only did this in August 2019. I waited for the draw based on my score and I received the invitation to apply in September 2019. I guess I was lucky to get it this fast, Alhamdullilah. Here where the hustle came where I had to compile documents from many places including, current and previous employer for working experience, certificate of conduct from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, medical checkup at a selected hospital, translation of birth certificate and other docs that are in Malay language, proof of finance, proof of education to be sent to World Education Services, etc. It took almost a month for me to compile everything and in October 2019 I managed to submit all of the required docs. Now, this is where the long waiting time started. For me, it took 5 months to receive the confirmation of PR (COPR), in March 2020. FYI, the delay in processing was because of the COVID-19 (tell me what was not affected by this deadly virus 😒). The next step was to ‘land’. Since I’m already in Canada, landing process should be done at the government office, ‘Service Canada’. For those coming from outside, the landing should be at the point of entry, could be the airport or any other border crossings. Because of the COVID-19, the procedure has changed dramatically. Instead of going to Service Canada (which was closed because of the pandemic), I did landing by post where I mailed the required docs to CIC. After this process, the last one is to wait for the PR card. So, 7 months after COPR, today I received the card. In total, it took me 1 year to end the process. Without COVID-19, it might be cut in half!

Now, I am happy that Allah has granted me another wish that I asked. I am a very positive person and I believed that we can get the things we want if we fight for it and let Him decide the outcome. On the road, there must be ups and downs. When you feel insecure or hopeless, you might cry, but in the end Insyallah you'll see the outcomes. 

I’m missing my home country that is so far from here, but I have dreams to catch… I pray and wish that your dreams also come true one day, and we can live happily in this lovely world..but 1st let us end the pandemic. Keep safe everyone. Enjoy some photos below (1 for each season) in my new residing country, Canada. Ta dafeye baad...khoda hafez





Migrated to Instagram

After more than a decade, I still am myself but with a little bit of different dimensions. My passion in cooking, in combining Malay and Persian for life are still there. Only technology has changed. Blogspot has faded out sadly, YouTube is a hassle. But  Instagram is now life. I continue sharing my passion there. Follow me! Aroose_malayi

Farsi - Malay Similar Words


When was the last time I updated this blog? Was it last year? 
Oh..the life cycle technology has brought blogs to a saturation phase.
Life becomes more hectic and users need something easy go and the result, most of the bloggers have migrated to other social media such as Instagram and Facebook where they could update status easier using the apps. Is there any app for Blogspot? If yes, I think it's not attractive or interactive enough to glue bloggers to it. 

Anyway, for the past 1 year of my life many things had happened, good and bad. One major event happened is that I have found many friends that are in the same boat as me - Malaysian married to Iranian. And this is actually the reason why I am writing this post today. One of them asked me words in Malay that have synonym with Farsi. I have recorded some words that I found throughout my journey in learning Farsi in this blog (right sidebar). But for some unknown reasons, it does not appear if opening this blog through mobile phone. Thus, I copy it in this blog. I will update the list by time.. 

- alamat = alamat (sign)
- anggur = anggur
- awal = avval
- akhar = akhbar
- akibat = akibat
- amanah = amanah
- asli = asl
- badam = badam
- bandul = bandul
- batal = batel
- bandar = bandar
- badan = badan
- baki = baghi/baghiye
- cadar = chador
- dunia = donya
- dayus = dayus
- darjah = darjah
- darurat = zaroorat/zaroori
- dewan= dewan
- falsafah = falsafah
- fitnah = fetneh
- fikir = fekr
- faedah = faedeh
- gandum = gandum
- hak = hagh
- hamil = hameleh
- hadam = hazm
- huruf = huruf
- hormat = hormat
- hasrat = hasrat
- hadiah = hediyeh
- hamil = hamelas
- khayal = khiyal
- ilham = elham
- ihsan = ehsan
- insan = ensan
- ingkar = engkar
- ibadat = ebadat
- istilah = estelah
- jawab = javab
- jenazah = jenazeh
- jumlal = jumleh
- kaedah = kaedah
- kaum = ghovm
- kiamat = qiamat
- kurma = qorma
- khidmat = khedmat
- khianat = qianat
- khabar = khabar
- khasiat = khasiat
- khemah = khemah
- khudrat = khodrat
- khusus = khusus
- kitab = ketab
- kismis = khishmish
- laknat = laknat
- lazim = lazem
- limau = limu
- milik = malek
- mahir = maher
- makrifat = makrifat
- masjid = masjed
- martabat = martabat
- mayat = mayet
- medan = meydan/meydoon
- misalan = masalan
- muflis = mufles
- munasabah = monaseb
- mushkil = moshkel
-musafir = mosafer
- maklum = maklum
- makna = mani
- masyhur = masyhur
- mesyuarat =mashverat
- majalah = majaleh
- mukadimah = moghaddame
- munasabah = munasabeh
- mungkin = momkin
- musim = musim
- musibah = musibat
- mutlak = motlagh
- nakhoda = nakhoda
- nanas = ananas
- nasib = nasib
- nokhtah = nokhteh
- nafas = nafas
- nahtijah = nahtijah
- nasihat = nasehat
- nikmat = nekmat
- pahlawan = pahlavan
- rahim = rahim
- rasuah = reshvah
- rehat = rahat
- sabar = sabr/saboor
- sabun = sabun
- sahih = saheh
- siasat = siasat
- sifar = sefr
- seluar = shalvar
- syak = syak
- syarikat = syerkat
- syair = syair
- shaitan = sheytoon
- sabar = sabr
- soal = soal
- tabib = tabib
- taufan = toofan
- talak = talaq
- takjub = takjub
- takdir = taghdir
- tarikh = tarikh
- umur = omr
- ustaz = ostad
- wakil = vakil
- waris = vares
- watan = vatan
- wujud = vujud
- yakin = yaqin
- zaitun= zeytoon
- zaman = zaman

Same but Different Meanings
Adat - Malay (custom) Farsi (habit)
Asal - Malay (origin) Farsi (honey)
Bandar - Malay (city) Farsi (harbour)
Bodoh/Bodo - Malay (stupid) Farsi (fast)
Gamelan/Kamelan = Malay (Music instrument)Farsi (Complete)
Hasud - Malay (to influence) Farsi (jealous)
Jasad - Malay (body) Farsi (dead body)
Labu/Laboo - Malay (pumpkin) Farsi (beet)
Lazat/Lezzat/Lahze - Malay (delicious) Farsi (enjoy)(moment)
Loghat - Malay (accent) Farsi (words)
Otak/otagh - Malay(brain) Farsi (room)
Sakit/ Sahket - Malay (pain) Farsi (Silent)
Temasya/tamasha -Malay (event) Farsi (watching)

Same but Different (Bad) Meanings 
Alat: Persian (Genital), Malay (tools)
Bodo: Persian (Hurry), Malay (Stupid)
Kiri: Persian (Man's genital), Malay (Left)

This video might describe some of the words

2018 and I am still struggling with chador 😉

Ta daafe ye baaad..

Khoda hafez

Sami Beigi Ft Tohi -Bala Translation Lyrics to Malay

وقتی بی تابی تنهایی میاد
Bila tak sabar, datang kesepian
تو شبام حس آشنایی میخوام

Di waktu malam, aku mahukan seseorang

با یه شعر تازه دوباره جون میگیرم
Dengan lagu ini, ku temui kehidupan semula
دنیا بام نسازه میخونم آروم میگیرم

Dunia tiada halangan, aku dapati ketenangan

با تموم مشکلاتم اینجوری کنار میام
Aku tempuhi segala masalah yang aku ada
همه دنیا زیر پامه و میدونم چی میخوام

Aku kuasai duniaku, aku tahu apa yang aku mahu

بالای بالا، انگار رو ابرا
Ke atas, dan ke atas, seperti di awan
حسی که دارم، بهترین حس دنیا

Perasaan ini, adalah yang terbaik di dunia

قلبم تو مشتم، حالا همینجا
Hatiku yang kuat, aku masih disini
حالم که خوبه، مگه میشه بد شه فردا

Aku sihat, esok tak akan jadi teruk

اینجا کنار ماه و ستاره
Disini, dekat dengan bulan dan bintang
دور از زمینیم و دل دیگه غم نداره

Jauh dari bumi, tiada kekecewaan

با یه شعر تازه دل ها بیقراره
Dengan lagu ini, hati menjadi gelisah
دیگه فرقی نداره فردا چی بیاره

Tiada beza, apa yang akan terjadi esok

حالا بیا بالا با ما
Mari bersama, kita ke atas
بالای بالا
Ke atas dan ke atas
بهترین حس دنیاس

Perasaan yang terbaik di dunia

بالای بالا
Ke atas dan ke atas
جای منو تو اینجاس

Disinilah tempat kita

این بالا رو ابرا، غما دیگه دورن ها
Di atas, di awan ini, jauh dari kekecewaan
خورشید کنارمه، منو دیدی پر نورم ها

Dekat dengan matahari, lihat aku penuh dengan cahaya

پرواز رو ابرا انگاری عقابم
Terbang di awan, seperti helang
دنیا کوچیکه ، آسمون سقفه اتاقم

Dunia kecil, langit bumbung bilik ku

نیس چیزی کم دیگه، تو بغل هم دیگه
Tiada apa yang kurang, kita berpelukan
دنیا شبیه ما نمیبینه عمرا دیگه

Dunia tidak sama sekali melihat kita

تو آسمونیم ما، همینجا میمونیم ما
Di langit ini, kita akan selamanya di sini
آره قاطی فرشته هاییم، ولی شیطونیم ما

Ya, bersama-sama bidadari, tetapi kita syaitan ;)

بالای بالا
Ke atas dan ke atas
حالا همه بالا با ما

Mari semua ke atas dan ke atas

بالای بالا، انگار رو ابرا
Ke atas dan ke atas, seperti di awan
حسی که دارم، بهترین حس دنیا

Perasaan ini, yang terbaik di dunia

قلبم تو مشتم، حالا همینجا
Hatiku yang kuat, aku masih disini
حالم که خوبه، مگه میشه بد شه فردا
Aku sihat, esok tak akan jadi teruk

PhD Journey - The Ups and Downs

(This was drafted right after I finished PhD)

2013: Research proposal defense
2 August 2016: Submission of Thesis for Viva
19 September 2016: VIVA
27 October 2016: Submission Corrected Thesis
20 November 2016: Submission of hardbound thesis
15 January 2017: Senate Approval
28 April 2017: Convocation

19 September 2016, 9.30 a.m. after about 20 minutes, I stopped my mouth from explaining my research. The chairman opened for Q&A session. <krik krik> nor examiner 1 or 2 speak up. The chairman stressed out again any question or comment? Examiner 1 commented a little bit on Chapter 4, some words should be changed, graphs to be added on moderation tests, and the rest are ok, write up are very nice and easy to understand. Is this the reason why she congratulated me when I entered the room that morning? Then examiner 2 said she had some questions to ask but I have answered it during my presentation. Really, God is helping me. She added to look at referencing style and formatting. The rest, write up are very nice and easy to understand. Again?! I can't believe it. Even the chairman looked shocked with the situation. 

About 15 minutes after I finished my presentation, the chairman asked me to go out from the room for a while for them to discuss the result. Outside, I looked at viva room 1, 2, and 3. Still occupied and no one was waiting outside. I looked at the banquet tables (graduate schools prepared for breakfast and lunch for morning viva session, some viva sessions tend to extend til lunchtime), some of the breakfast are untouched. I was alone, not even my husband has arrived as I told him to come after 10 a.m. After about 5 minutes, I was asked to enter the room. 

The chairman was smiling, saying that this is the shortest viva session I ever attended. The awaited result, I was granted B1 result. Never in my dream, I ever imagined getting this result. In our PhD circle group, we were always hoping someone would get this and what a surprise I was the first one! B1 means minor correction in a month time, thesis need to be checked only by supervisor. Speechless. Tears started to flow. Husband arrived. 

Highest appreciation first and foremost to my husband, who has motivated me to go on this path, to continue supporting me, even in my darkest hardest moment. There were several times I was nearly quit this journey but he stood still in front of me forcing me to continue.  Secondly, to my best supervisor Dr Ahmad. He is a kind of supervisor that every PhD candidate wants. Observant not controller. Last, my family and friends. They are the one who really wants to see the result of my absence during a gathering or happy moments. 


Baradar (Brother) - Mohammad Alizadeh (Lyrics Translation)

Three, these 3 are my brothers that I called father. This song I dedicated to all of you. I'm not sure whether I translated it correctly or not but no matter what happen, what are the conditions you will always be my guide. Soundtrack for drama series in Iran - Baradar. 

بدون تو چيا كشيدم من
Without you what did I went through
خوشى ولى خوشى نديدم من
Happy but I don't see the happiness
تو اول مسير خوشبختى ته دنيا رسيدم من
You are the happiness at the beginning of my life's journey that I've arrived now
بدون من سرت چقدر گرمه
Without me why you're happy
كى حال اين روزامو ميفهمه
Who else could understand what I went through
قبول دارم گناه نكردى تو
I admit you didn't do any wrong
كار دنياى بى رحمه
Just the world is against us
کار ِ دنیای بی رحمه
Just the world is against us

زمونه عمر مارو ميگيره
This life really tested us
برادر از برادرش سيره
The brothers become tired
تو دير رسيدى خيلى ديره
You arrived really late
بخاطر تو هر كارى كردم 
Because of you I did everything
تو رفتى من چه جورى برگردم 
You left, how should I come back?
خودت بيا دورت بگردم
Come back just the way you are

صدام كن ، صداى تو لالايى بچگيمه
Call my name, your voice is my childhood's lullaby
صدام كن ، ديگه خسته م از عشقاى نصفه نيمه
Call my name, I am tired from the incomplete love
نگام كن، به جون چشات، ديگه جون ندارم كه بگم
Look at me, with your full sight, I don't have any other words to say
نميشه، مگه ميگذره آدم از اونى كه زندگيشه
It is impossible, do human happy with the life
مگه ريشه از زردى ساقه هاش خسته ميشه
Is it possible that roots becomes tired of its stems?
به جون چشات ، ديگه جون ندارم كه بگم
Seriously, I dont't have anything else to say