Even though I am not a Persian, being close to a Persian has made me a copycat Persian. Believe me, once you are attached to a Persian, you are getting lost of your identity as what you used to be and he/she will try to insert "Persian thingy" in your everyday life. Hehe :) No...not exactly actually, just kidding..I am still a Malay but in a mix relationship I have to adapt to the situation of the other's half. I shall not be selfish. The same thing on his side. He too need to adapt in my "Malay world". But seems I am the one who over adapted. Bff always told me I am half Malay half Persian now. For me it is a compliment because I want him to be comfortable and happy together without having thought that we are 2 different persons. So, I am relieve that I am doing the right thing in my journey of learning Iran and Persian.
We are counting days for Nowruz. Another 3 days. As I told in my previous posts, we did some preparations. I tried to make sabzeh but unfortunately it was unsuccessful. I just throw it away this morning. I think I got the methods wrongly. No problem, I will put any sabzeh that i found on my sofreh 7 seen later. hehe.
Another story to be shared. Today we went for a talk about the Gems of Quran. It was conducted by Inter Religion Association of Singapore. Bff sv was giving the talk. It was a very informative talk, to be able to know the magnificent creation of Quran. Bff's sv is a Christian but he did a wonderful presentation of the facts inside Quran. Also the talk was attended not ony Muslims but people from different religion. As a Muslim, I am very proud to be able to see the audience impressed of Quran. I said to bff later, even non-muslim have the belief on the content of Quran, but why some of Muslims have bad idea on Quran. :(
Ok lah..till then..keep calm and count for Nowruz..eid dare miyad!!!!
Slow Start
1 week ago
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