
Advantage of Understanding Other Languages

Do you ever came out from elevator smiling and laughing to yrself? Its very funny when we approach some funny incidents inside the elevator and keep it in yr tummy coz u have to stop yrself from laughing in order to respect other passengers and to cover the related persons from shame. And what if u have to cover your anger when u heard somebody's talking stink about u in different language inside the elevator?

Yes, I did face these 2 situations. The funny and the anger. The last time, in my university. This one Ir***** cum my ex-classmate girl said bad about me with one Ir**** boy in persian language. It was only 4 level to go down, I have to control my mouth and ting! level 1...i fight the words back. haha :DD very satisfied u know. You see, 1st advantage, U can fight back and give shame back to and laugh back to her!!

The second situation i faced it frequently. When I enter elevator with other persons that speak other language than me who i can understand the language (what language else i can understand, Persian). They will speak to themselves not about me and sometimes about me but funny like this:

A: Last night i went to B house and suddenly she fart silently.
B: Ok..I will say later.
A: Why? She can understand? (pointing mouth to me)
B: Urm..urm..
(Conversation has been changed from real)

Dont you think this is funny?? Haha. Well, u see, the advantage that i think are cool to share. Many others. So, lets learn other languages especially when u have to involve yrself with people from other races speaking different languages.

Ok..thats all..i need to change and off to changi to fetch somebody from Iran. Will tell u what souvenir they will give! (^o,^). TA!


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