
Lontong Semarang

Lontong is one of the dishes normally served during hari raya. It is time consuming to prepare this meal because there are several side dishes to be prepared too..but i found this recipe from kak jee's blog which is very easy and it is a one complete meal dish. I cooked this last weekend to finish up my nasi impit stock.

- 2 medium onions*
- 4 garlic cloves*
- 2 inch fresh turmeric*
- 2 inch shrimp paste*
- 4 candlenuts*
- 2 lemon grass
- 2 cups coconut milk
- 2 thai chillies*
- 2 red chillies, sliced thinly
- water
- oil
- eggplant, halved and cut about 2 inch
- cabbage, roughly tear
- petola (dont know what it is in english) halved and cut about 2 inch
- pucuk melinjau (same goes with this) roughly tear
- 200g daging tetel (same goes with this)


1. Boil daging tetel until tender for about 1 and half hour.
2. In other pot, saute grounded ingredients and lemon grass until aroma rise.
3. Add in daging tetel along with its water.
4. When everything mix well, after about 5 minutes, add in the eggplant and petola.
5. Follow by other veges.
6. Pour in coconut milk. Let it boil and simmer for about 10 minutes.
7. Taste with salt, msg and sugar. Sprinkle the red chillies. Done

Serve with nasi impit (pressed rice cubes). This time my mom requested kuah kacang (red sauce at bottom) to accompany the lontong. 


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