
Khaleh va Khahar Zadeh

Being the last child is nice. Apart from getting lots of intentions from older brothers and sisters and parents, I am so happy to be growing up with my nieces and nephews. They are my friends, they give me happiness and never hurt me. I tried to treat them as they are my children. As long as I can, I will try to provide the best for them. Every time when sorrow hit me, they always cheered me up. They are always there for me. 

When they asked me 
"When Maksu (the title of youngest aunty) want to marry?", 
I always replied "If I married, who wana take you out? Who wana buy you this and that? If my husband take me far from here, you won't miss me?" 
Then they said "Oh please maksu, don't marry". Hehe. 

Today we went to eat outside, in car I teased Putri (17 years old) "Come I wana kiss you"
She said "Ewwwwww"
I replied "Why cant I? Since small I kiss you." But seriously I dont wana kiss her. hehe

Remember my last post about Izzati? She is really into everything that I am doing. She learns Farsi too. So, this time I recorded Farsi practice video with her. Enjoy..


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