
Ramezoon Mobarak

Alhamdulillah today is the 2nd day of ramadhan. I'm so glad to have the chance again to celebrate ramadhan near my family. Meaning that I'm fasting for 14 hours instead of 17 in Iran. :) As every year's ritual, on the first day of fasting, my sibling will gather in mak's for iftar. As usual I'm the head of chef of the house. Yesterday the sisters ordered nasi kerabu. So I made nasi kerabu, the simple one without solok lada or ayam percik or grilled beef. They went to bazar ramadhan but it was so crowded that they only bought some ayam percik and drinks.

The day before ramadhan I craved for noodles by nearby warong (stall) near my house. My sister bought for me mee bandung and mee goreng. The mee goreng still have the same flavor like it used to be but it's disappointing that the mee bandung was tasteless. In Javanese culture, there is one ritual before ramadhan called "ngerangsom" which means people eat foods they like before ramadhan. This year my mak ngerangsom to eat cendol which she had in the evening at night market.

Oklah. I wish you all have a great and meaningful ramadhan. Taa daafe baad...khoda hafez!

Mee bandung

Mee goreng


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