
PhD Journey - The Ups and Downs

(This was drafted right after I finished PhD)

2013: Research proposal defense
2 August 2016: Submission of Thesis for Viva
19 September 2016: VIVA
27 October 2016: Submission Corrected Thesis
20 November 2016: Submission of hardbound thesis
15 January 2017: Senate Approval
28 April 2017: Convocation

19 September 2016, 9.30 a.m. after about 20 minutes, I stopped my mouth from explaining my research. The chairman opened for Q&A session. <krik krik> nor examiner 1 or 2 speak up. The chairman stressed out again any question or comment? Examiner 1 commented a little bit on Chapter 4, some words should be changed, graphs to be added on moderation tests, and the rest are ok, write up are very nice and easy to understand. Is this the reason why she congratulated me when I entered the room that morning? Then examiner 2 said she had some questions to ask but I have answered it during my presentation. Really, God is helping me. She added to look at referencing style and formatting. The rest, write up are very nice and easy to understand. Again?! I can't believe it. Even the chairman looked shocked with the situation. 

About 15 minutes after I finished my presentation, the chairman asked me to go out from the room for a while for them to discuss the result. Outside, I looked at viva room 1, 2, and 3. Still occupied and no one was waiting outside. I looked at the banquet tables (graduate schools prepared for breakfast and lunch for morning viva session, some viva sessions tend to extend til lunchtime), some of the breakfast are untouched. I was alone, not even my husband has arrived as I told him to come after 10 a.m. After about 5 minutes, I was asked to enter the room. 

The chairman was smiling, saying that this is the shortest viva session I ever attended. The awaited result, I was granted B1 result. Never in my dream, I ever imagined getting this result. In our PhD circle group, we were always hoping someone would get this and what a surprise I was the first one! B1 means minor correction in a month time, thesis need to be checked only by supervisor. Speechless. Tears started to flow. Husband arrived. 

Highest appreciation first and foremost to my husband, who has motivated me to go on this path, to continue supporting me, even in my darkest hardest moment. There were several times I was nearly quit this journey but he stood still in front of me forcing me to continue.  Secondly, to my best supervisor Dr Ahmad. He is a kind of supervisor that every PhD candidate wants. Observant not controller. Last, my family and friends. They are the one who really wants to see the result of my absence during a gathering or happy moments. 



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