
My Passion..Sigh

Academic is really not my passion. I hate sitting and reading academic materials which I think I couldnt broaden my mind with this kind of thing. It's not that I cant study, but most of the times it wont last longer. I will attracted to do other things. And in my opinion it is because I dont have passion in this job. Frankly speaking I was not sincere when I started my PhD. Just because it's hard to get good job and I got scholarship I continue my study. If these 2 things didnt happened to me, I might not be sitting now in front of computer doing silly thing - study.

If UTM allows me to terminate my study without paying back the scholarship, I've done that!

So what is my passion? Let me list down what are things that I dont wana do. Teaching, marketing or anything related to giving oral explanation. I hate to think. I love things that comes naturally. I want to involve with NGO association. I love cooking. I love non-high-level-job. I love to have small business.

It's my today's ramble. I still dont know what I want to be. I dont wana be lecturer but what else can I be after getting my PhD? Sigh...........................


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