
Dream Life

Everybody have their own dream for life. And it is changing as age changes. When I was child my dream is to enter university and become an accountant. I achieved half of it which entered university but not graduated in accountancy. If you asked me what is the biggest I've done for my life was that. I regret of not choosing the right university and course. It's all because following my teenage want without thinking my future. 

After graduated I dream to have a great profession in a corporate world but I end up further my Master and later Phd. Thus, I think my only choice now in profession is only to become lecturer which was the most profession I never want to be during my schoolhood. Well, we'll see later...

And now in adult life, my dreams is focused on what life I want to have after I finish my education. I don't mean about occupation but the way of life. House, family, lifestyle etc. Now I will share about it with purpose that after some years I can glance back to see whether I achieved it or not. I prefer to live in a countryside area a.k.a kampung in Malay. Not village that is really far from urbanism but not in the middle of city. I want to have small country house, with garden for me to plant vegetables and flowers as what mak is doing now. Have chicken coop so that I will wake up from sleep because of the rooster's crow and during hari raya I can cook rendang kampung chicken. To hear birds chirping instead of the sound of car engines. I will plant a nice grass on the lawn so that in the evening I can have tea with families under tree sheds on a green grass. At the backyard I want to plant vegetables and spices so that when I need some of it I just can open the back door and take it. Cooking while looking at my plants will be so great.

My kitchen would be an open one which mean there is no separation between living area and kitchen. so that I can watch what my children is doing while I'm cooking or my husband can do his work at the living room while me preparing meals. About children I want 3. 2 is ok. Moreover my other siblings also have not so many children. So 3 is my choice 2 girls and 1 boy. Well I have some years left before it become impossible. haha. I will decorate my house in very country living theme. A mix with cream, green and red colors. Minimalist furniture with wide area for the children to play.

I prefer to work instead SAHM because I don't want to depend on my hb's money. That's just not me. I learn to be independent since my father passed away. I'll shop online (outfits) more because I hate of choices and make decision to buy during family outing. I prefer to spend more time with them doing things that we can do together while I am off. Moreover, some of supermarkets nowadays have the delivery to home service for groceries shopping. 

I will travel the world. Places that I love to go such as Italy, Australia, South Korea (again), Turkey and UK. I prefer to go to cities (well, as I live in a countryside), rather than island or mountains or anything that involves physical activities. 

In my life, I love to live far from the people that I know or know me. Only close families and friends. Which means that I will have a quality relationships rather than mix of everything. I don't know why but my experience in life has taught me that somehow people that are not very close to me just want to take advantage. Therefore I just need some important people in mylife.  

Oh what have I rambled about? Whatever..let me look back on this post 10 years later and see what happened and what not. Taa daafe me the way I am and lets dream nicely because dream will lead us to achievement. 


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