
Persian Comedians - Just for laughs..

After some times having a relationship with a Persian, I can trace some of their...emm..what should I say, maybe special traits that uniquely can find only between Persians. I believe every race has its own uniqueness and for me, for Persians it's something sweet to know and interesting to explore.

I found some Persians comedians' video (thanks to you tube) who made nice jokes for their special traits. This is not to embarrass anybody, this is just for know sometimes we will laugh to our own silliness right? so laugh babe..laughter will makes you younger! :))

Maz Jobrani talked about differences between Arabs and Persians. One important to know is, Persians HATE to be called Arab. And of course they are not Arabs!

Max Amini talked about nose job between Persian girls. When I went to Iran I saw many girls on streets put white tape on their nose. I wondered what happened until I found it's a plastic surgery. Well, women will do anything for beauty right? And maybe they really have a nose problem. Who knows? No comment!

Reza Peyk talked about the softness and shyness of Persian girls and how hard to melt them

K-von talked about the soft-tongue of Persian man to tackle girls - in this case white khareji (non-persian). Haha.this is true. But you know, a man will behave like a man until he realize which world is for them. So, ask yourself, are you in the right path?? or mine?haha..

Max Amini talked about the way Persians speak English. At the end he joke about attributes about Persian-Tork and Persian-Esfahani. If you can understand, it's really funny.

Omid Djalili talked about "tarof". For me this is very special attribute in Iranian culture. It means you offer something that actually you don't really want to offer or you say no to something you really want (correct me if I wrong). Now I am used to this tarof thing. 1 day I tarof a Malay friend to pay for her bill and I taught she will say no, but she just said OK THANKS! Haha. See! it didn't work to other race. Only Persians!

Well, I hope i can share also special traits in Malays..But you know, it is more interesting to know about others rather than yours..hehe..till then, bye


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