
Adapted Irani - being okhdeii

It's weekend!! It means meeting khanavadeh (family) specifically nieces and nephews. Every weekend's  event. Today we went kharid (buy) for household things..then i asked niece what do you wana eat for dinner? She wants kuew tiaw goreng. Fried rice noodles. At first i wanted to cook penang style, the watery style. But then i forgot to buy prawn to make the sauce. So i just cooked the simple version. Maybe i'll up an entry for the recipe later. Because this time i wana talk about becoming irani.

Actually i was pissed off with one chinese girl. I stumbled upon her facebook through mypersiankitchen. As always, i stalked her. :) you know i like the fact that she's learning farsi as well as trying to be persian. But i found that she is over reacted to be irani. Why i said that is because one of her post said something like this "maleziyaei kheng! Hame malayi  bishoore". The first sentence she wrote in her post means "dumb malaysian". But then after some comments she wrote the second sentence which literally means "all malays are rude". What she actually wanted to say? Is it referred to malaysian or malay? Does she knows the different between those two words? She claimed herself 80% irani. But how come she have confusion here? Another comment she wrote "man az malezi montaneferam" which means i hate malaysia. Hello dokhtar age shoma az malezi montaneferi boro gomsho az inja! (Get lost from here). Later i realized that the sentences that she wrote i ever heard before and it came from iranian. Are you trying to say that you are already 100% irani to say something like that. I have no problem with "real iranian" to have saying that because i know the difference between iran and malaysia, because i've been there. But then you girl, have you ever been there?  Pasho dige (wake up) and swallow that you are still chinese malaysian and you can never be iranian. Step on your ground babe! Stop saying that you love to be iranian. It is just becoz your bf is iranian. If your bf is pakistani, maybe now you are learning urdu and trying to hate people who are skeptical with pakistani who sells carpet.

My message to her: khahareman, basse dige. Enghad khodetun jelo irania okhdei nakon. Midunam kheili dustari irani beshi. Mesle man. Raahe dorosabi boro. Hatman duspesaret dustare shoma harfe ba adab bezani. Mikhay irani beshi na bayad chiziayo bad ham bokoni. Vaghan man khoshalam bebinam shoma farsi ham baladi. Behet eftekhar mikonam. Ba ayandat movafagh beshid!

Ok. Thats all. It is a reminder to myself also. Even though thousands time my bff said he is proud of me to learn to be persian and he wants me to be truely persian, i said i can never leave my roots. I will always be a malay. And i will never say something offensive to my roots and country. that is bishoor. My purpose of learning is to make things more comfortable, to shrink the difference and to understand each other more. 


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