
رمضان مبارک...

Ramadhan (Ramezoon) come again..

This year Iran and Malaysia started the 1st day of Ramadhan on the same day unlike last year.
Unfortunately this year's ramadhan fall during summer which means people in 4 seasons country will have a longer fasting period. Khoda ro shokr that I'm in a no-season country :)

So, I'll start the routine to think what to cook for sahri/sahur and iftar/buka puasa. But for the first day, mak will cook sahur and of course iftar by your sincerely.

Hope tomorrow's weather will be fine and less hot. Guys, happy fasting..and for me this is the ideal time to detox and control my diet.

Till then..khoda negahdar..

While visiting my friend back from Mecca today


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